\[code\]$headers=array( $requestMethod." /rest/obj HTTP/1.1", "listable-meta: ".$listablemeta, "meta: ".$nonlistmeta, 'accept: */*', );\[/code\]In the above example, I'd like to omit the whole line if $listablemeta or $nonlistmeta is blank.Assume $listablemeta is blank. Then the array would be:\[code\]$headers=array( $requestMethod." /rest/obj HTTP/1.1", "meta: ".$nonlistmeta, 'accept: */*', );\[/code\]Now I can setup a conditional isempty() and set the array accordingly, but what if I want to construct an array with say 20 different values each only setting if the variable on each line is not empty, is there another way to set a conditional -within- an array declaration? If not, what is another way to approach this problem?Thanks!