PHP based version control? [closed]


New Member
I wonder is there any PHP based version control like on .NET version. I found that on .NET there some of version control web based, like SourceGear Vault, Sublime, etc. Now I wonder is there any version control like that which based on PHP and MySQL. I've try to explore SourceGear Vault and found that even it use installer but it totally web based. The installer give setup on IIS, create .NET application on IIS, setup master database and source database. Vault connecting with webservice for versioning the file (it not use special protocol like SVN, etc.)I've try to use Redmine which I don't know it a SVN server type or only SVN repository browser. But then I came a problem with it, I have shared hosting which capable of Ruby Rails, but Ruby Rails likely use latest version which not supported by Redmine.