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I have an array of all the countries in the world as such:\[code\]$countries = array( "GB" => "United Kingdom", "US" => "United States", "AF" => "Afghanistan", "AL" => "Albania", "DZ" => "Algeria", "AS" => "American Samoa", "AD" => "Andorra", "AO" => "Angola", "AI" => "Anguilla", "AQ" => "Antarctica", "AG" => "Antigua And Barbuda", "AR" => "Argentina", "AM" => "Armenia", "AW" => "Aruba", "AU" => "Australia", "AT" => "Austria", "AZ" => "Azerbaijan", "BS" => "Bahamas", "BH" => "Bahrain", "BD" => "Bangladesh", "BB" => "Barbados", "BY" => "Belarus", "BE" => "Belgium", "BZ" => "Belize", "BJ" => "Benin", "BM" => "Bermuda", "BT" => "Bhutan", "BO" => "Bolivia", "BA" => "Bosnia And Herzegowina", "BW" => "Botswana", "BV" => "Bouvet Island",);\[/code\]And so on for all countries; I am 100% positive every country is listed properly.I have an application form which stores the result in a file stored on the server. Currently the review page for the application is a basic text version and I am now in the process of putting it into a mock-form for my client to have a more visually appealing method of reviewing applications.So an array named \[code\]$in_data\[/code\] stores the results that come from the file. This array is structured as such \[code\]"emergency_medical_insurance" => "value_user_entered"\[/code\]. Each key is the name of the HTML element it came form and the value is what the user put in.The country select list on the form returns a two-letter code of the country. So what I am trying to do is search \[code\]$countries\[/code\] with the value of \[code\]$in_data['country_select']\[/code\] and then return the name of the country.\[code\]echo $in_data['country_select'];\[/code\] returns 'CA' the letter code for Canada and the test country I have entered.\[code\]echo $countries['CA'];\[/code\] returns 'Canada'\[code\]if (array_key_exists($in_data['country_select'], $countries)){ echo "Country Found";} else { echo "failed"; }\[/code\]returns nothing.\[code\]if (array_key_exists('CA', $countries)){ echo "Country Found";} else { echo "failed"; }\[/code\]Also returns nothing. And when I say nothing I mean nothing, not null, not true, not false; just doesn't even run.My question is simple; how is the code below (taken from the offical PHP manual) which does EXACTLY the same thing my code does, working, but my code won't even return anything?\[code\]<?php$search_array = array('first' => 1, 'second' => 4);if (array_key_exists('first', $search_array)) { echo "The 'first' element is in the array";}?>\[/code\]