Alright guys...
here's the code:
function validateUser($username){
//fed in the conection and username, returns the matching password
$OC = OCILogon($user,$pass,$string);
$sql="select password from app_user where username='".$username."'";
$parsed = OCIParse($OC,$sql);
OCIFetchInto($parsed, &$rows);
echo "Number: ".$number;
echo "Pass".$db_pass;
//return the password
return $db_pass;
Any ideas as to why $db_pass isn't getting filled from the database? I've tried all I can think of and nothing seems to give it a value....any ideas?
here's the code:
function validateUser($username){
//fed in the conection and username, returns the matching password
$OC = OCILogon($user,$pass,$string);
$sql="select password from app_user where username='".$username."'";
$parsed = OCIParse($OC,$sql);
OCIFetchInto($parsed, &$rows);
echo "Number: ".$number;
echo "Pass".$db_pass;
//return the password
return $db_pass;
Any ideas as to why $db_pass isn't getting filled from the database? I've tried all I can think of and nothing seems to give it a value....any ideas?