PHP/Amazon S3: Query string authentication sometimes fails


New Member
I created a simple file browser in PHP that links to the files through generation expiring query URLs. So for each access to a directory, a link to each file is generated that is valid for say 900 seconds.I now have the problem that the generated signatures seem to fail sometimes. Which is strange, since I intentionally used external S3 libraries for generating the URLs and signatures.In fact, I tried the following libraries to generate the signatures:The libraries internally use hash_hmac('sha256', ... or hash_hmac('sha1', ... - I also don't understand why differnet hash algorithms are used.Since the problem is the same with all libraries, it could as well be in my URL generation code, which is straightforward though:\[code\]$bucket = "myBucket";$filename = $object->Key;$linksValidForSeconds = 900;$url = $s3->get_object_url($bucket, $filename, $linksValidForSeconds);\[/code\]Sp $bucket and $linksValidForSeconds are constant, $filename is e.g. "Media/Pictures/My Picture.png". But event for same variables, it sometimes works, soemtimes doesn't.Any ideas?Edit: Typo/Wrong constant variable name fixed (thanks)