php - adjusting for timezones


New Member
Alright so I have this code which makes a list of dates:\[code\]$dates = array(); for($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { $datetime = mktime(12, 0, 0, date('n'), date('j') + $i, date('Y')); if(date('N', $datetime) != 6 && date('N', $datetime) != 7) { $dates[date('l, F jS', $datetime)] = date('l, F jS', $datetime); } }\[/code\]The dates are tomorrow and on as long as they are not Saturday or Sunday.Now the problem is "tomorrow" is being changed at like 8:00 PM EST.To explain, say it's Wednesday. The first option in the list should be Thursday. However, once it is 8:00 PM EST, then the first option is Friday. Instead of changing at 8:00 PM EST I'd like it to change at 3:00 AM EST (so on Thursday @ 2:00 AM it should still offer Thursday as a choice)