PHP: $_GET contains variables not in $_REQUEST


New Member
When I do \[code\]print_r($_GET)\[/code\] I see 4 variables, one of which is not seen in \[code\]print_r($_REQUEST)\[/code\]. On this page I have a relevant .htaccess rule:\[code\]RewriteRule ^de/something/(.+)/(.+)/$ /something/something_darkside.php?URLpage=rental&URLcategory=$1&URLsubcategory=$2 [NE]\[/code\]The variables from this rule (URLpage, URLcategory, URLsubcategory) are all present as REQUEST variables. So I'm wondering where the extra GET variable comes from - could be through register globals?EDIT: the additional parameter is ID with a numeric value (ex 2256) which is used to retrieve records from the DB.EDIT2: ok the page now loads ok after turning register globals ON. I'm still struggling to understand the logic behind this.