PHP __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object with my $_SESSION data


New Member
I've got a site setup that, on page load, turns all user submitted strings into SafeString objects. For those unfamiliar with SafeString, it basically forces the user to echo out sanitized data preventing XSS and whatnot..Anyways, there's a problem. My $_SESSION array is being filled with \[code\]__PHP_Incomplete_Class Object\[/code\]. From what I've read, this is due to not initializing the class before the session and then storing class objects in the session.Here's my code:\[code\]require_once __WEBROOT__ . '/includes/safestring.class.php'; $temp = array( &$_SERVER, &$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_SESSION, &$_ENV, &$_REQUEST, &$_FILES, &$HTTP_SERVER_VARS, &$HTTP_GET_VARS, &$HTTP_POST_VARS, &$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, &$HTTP_POST_FILES, &$HTTP_ENV_VARS); function StringsToSafeString(&$array){ foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_string($array[$key])) { $array[$key] = new SafeString($value); } if (is_array($array[$key])) { StringsToSafeString($array[$key]); } }}StringsToSafeString($temp);unset($temp);\[/code\]I can't think of a way to rewrite this which would solve the problem :/Any ideas?