PHP 64 bit numbers?


New Member
I have a simple function that I'm using but for some reason the number doesn't calculate correctly as it would in a calculator. I think it has something to do with the numbers being too large, or something to do with 64 bit. Is there any way I can convert them so that they would work correctly?\[code\]$sSteamComID = 76561197990369545;$steamBase = 76561197960265728;function convertToSteamID($sSteamComID) { $sServer = bcmod($sSteamComID, '2') == '0' ? '0' : '1'; $sCommID = bcsub($sSteamComID, $sServer); $sCommID = bcsub($sCommID, $steamBase); $sAuth = bcdiv($sCommID, '2'); echo "$sServer:$sAuth";}convertToSteamID($sSteamComID);\[/code\]This function outputs 0:15051912 on a server when it should be printing 1:15051908