i tried to do :
$darDll = new COM("DaromDll.DarOle") or die("Unable to instanciate class");
$prog = $darDll -> Programs -> Add(1);
i recivethe message :
"cant pass parameter 1 by reference"
why is that happening?
with php 4.3.2 i dont have any problem with this and it works just find!
maye i need to add something on the extension or is there a problem in my syntax?
thnaks i nadvance
$darDll = new COM("DaromDll.DarOle") or die("Unable to instanciate class");
$prog = $darDll -> Programs -> Add(1);
i recivethe message :
"cant pass parameter 1 by reference"
why is that happening?
with php 4.3.2 i dont have any problem with this and it works just find!
maye i need to add something on the extension or is there a problem in my syntax?
thnaks i nadvance