PHP 4.0.6 & Interbase


New Member
Hi all,
I am new on PHP, but I'm trying to develop a simple application that interact with Intebase.
I use PHP 4.0.6, Microsoft Personal Web Server and Interbase 6.
1 - I've found that a path with char sequence "\t" are interpreted not correctly;
2 - the function ibase_fetch_object seems doesn't work (ibase_fetch_row works fine).

This the code:

$sql="SELECT UPPER(country),currency FROM country ORDER BY 1";
$con=ibase_connect($db,$usr,$pwd) or die("Impossibile connettersi al DB Server");
ibase_fetch_object don't work

while ($rec=ibase_fetch_object($rs)) {
echo $rec->country;

// this is fine
while ($row=ibase_fetch_row($rs)) {
echo $row[0]." ";
echo $row[1]."<br>";

I have seen that Interbase has a reduced set of functions (MySQL are more !).

Do you know if it is possible to increase interbase set (with other DLL) ?

Do you know if a community that treat Interbase & PHP or it this is the right place ?

Thanks for help.

Dino Liberale.