

I have heard there is a function in photoshop 7 called macro's, and is useful for compressing photos. my problem is that i am doing a website for a photographer and am scanning phtographs, some of the images are around 7mb, how can i reduce them to around 70k?<!--content-->I would suggest dropping the resoultion /dpi first (scans can be quite large) and if that doesn't make them small enough, save as jpg and drop the quality.<!--content-->do you mean drop the resolution when you are scanning the photographs or in photoshop itself?<!--content-->either will work<!--content-->7 mb pictures are usually huge sizes, so you might try resizing first<!--content-->do you mean resizing the height and width? i have done that and it comes down to about 450k, i then save for web - which saves it as a gif file. what else can i do?<!--content-->As Samij said you can convert to JPEG if the quality is not of great importance. It should decrease greatly if you do.<br />
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-Rock-<!--content-->how much are you dropping the resolution?<br />
you might also need to drop the color depth<!--content-->how do you drop the resolution and the colour depth?<!--content-->image -> image size<br />
for resolution<br />
image -> mode -> color depth (i think)<br />
for color depth<!--content-->When you save for web, choose .jpg instead of .gif.<!--content-->When using "Save for Web" you can save as .gif and adjust the "lossy" slider. In the bottom left hand corner it will tell you how many bytes the image is as you slide the slider to worse or better quality. Or if you save as JPEG use the quality slider which functions the same way. You just have to fiddle with different settings until you get it where you want it.<!--content-->