Keep in mind this, I was a victim of this bug:
This bulletin affects all versions of PhotoPost vBGallery released to date.
We recently became aware of a new exploit that hackers have created in order to upload and attempt to execute php scripts on a webserver using vBGallery. The exact details of the exploit were emailed to PhotoPost customers and are available to valid license holders upon request.
Ultimately, this is a security flaw in the Apache webserver and has the potential to affect any software that handles user file uploads, not just vBGallery, but you should know that PhotoPost Pro is not affected by this particular issue.
We now have modified vBGallery in an effort to help you minimize the ability of hackers to upload these scripts. You can download this latest version of vBGallery 2.4.2 (for vBulletin versions 3.6.8 and 3.7.0 beta 3) and update your site accordingly. Update instructions can be found in our 2.4.2 announcement.