Photopost Pro Featured Photos block ( module ) for VBAdvanced CMPS


New Member
Make: pp_block.php
echo "$photopostfeature";
RED: Place your SERVER PATH to Photopost folder (not url).

Upload: php file "pp_block.php" to

Create a CMPS PHP module:
Add Module: [PHP FILE]
Module Title: Gallery Images
Active [yes]
Update All Pages [no]
File to Include: pp_block.php
Identifier: pp_image_block
Clean File Output: yes
Use Module Shell Template: no

Add module to your CMPS page.
thanks for the share but wrong section should be released in what ever version of vbulletin it will work with. =)
I have this working with VB 3.8.2 and CMPS 3.1.0 but quite possibly it works in lower versions of VB and CMPS as well. Please move it to where it's most appropriate.
If you're referring to Photopost pro I found it here. Can't give credit because I don't know who nulled it or if it was nulled in the first place. It has worked for me with VB 3.7.0 through to 3.8.2. It's easier for me to upload than to search for it again. Version is Photopost pro 6.01. I included some text files on how to do some things like the forumhome featured photos block, and how to fix some problems that came up.