Photo Popup - Insert pictures easily from vB Albums and Photopost


New Member
What does it do?
When creating or editing a post, your users can open a popup window that will show the users pictures in the Albums or in Photopost (or both). A click on the picture inserts it into the editor.

This is an enhancement of my mod here, which will be abandoned. Should you have it installed, please uninstall it before adding this one.
Credits go to the Geek for the idea for this hack and many hints I took from the code of his old Gallery popup, which served me very well but now stopped working for me. Since The Geek granted permission to use his abandoned work as base for new development, I felt free to do so. Especially the trouble-rousing injection-process of the images into the editor follows different lines altogether, using vB-buil-in functions.

  • works with vB's integreted album system and/or Photpost gallery software: decide which of them you want to use, or use both.
  • decide what options you want to offer: thumbnail with link to original image or album/gallery page, thumbnail or original image alone (plus, for Photopost, medium image with link to original image or gallery, medium image alone)
  • decide whether you want to let your users filter the images shown in the popup by albums
  • adds a blank after every inserted image (otherwise, if users insert several images in line there would be no line break, thus ultimately breaking your fixed style layout)
  • stores the settings/filters the user uses in the popup in a cookie that stays valid for the session
  • The script will detect whether editor is in wysiwyg or codeview-mode and act accordingly, so that in wysiwyg-mode the actual image will be visible.
  • supports Photopost installation in a different database than vB (even with different database-user)
  • Fully phrased

Options in Popup

  • user sees only options that make sense (i.e.: if you allow only one option for inserting the images, the user will not see the corresponding drop-down menu)
  • three drop-down menus possible: show pictures from where? (albums or Photopost), show only pictures from a certain album (in Photopost: only user albums, not categories), insert options (max. 7 different)

Working with

I use this on my own live board, but will not be liable for any problems it may cause. Use at your own risk.The mod has been tested on vB 3.8 and 3.7.4, PhotoPost 6.2, with Browsers: Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari(Win) - all in their latest versions at time of release.


  • upload photo-popup.php into your forum root*
  • import the product file
  • if you're using TMS, you're done, if not, follow the instructions in templateedit.txt (one template edit to insert popup-link)
*Please read configuratin section before uploading - Photopost users will have to do some configuration there


  • if you're using only vB albums, everything is done via AdminCP->Options->Photo-Popup
  • Decide there how many rows and columns the popup table will have, what products (album and/or PP) to use, which one should be standard if both, which insert options you want to allow, or activate debug mode
  • if you're using Photopost, you'll have to enter some settings at the top of photo-popup. Everything is explained there in great detail (i.e. where to find the information needed in Photopost Administration)
  • See screenshots below.
Just reimport the product-xml-file, overwriting the old version, and reupload the pp-popup.php. Thats all. If you should have installed the predecessor of this mod, please uninstall beforehand.

Support and debugging
Though this mod shows as unsuppported, Ill help whenever I find the time. Before asking, please activate debug mode and post the information given there (especially under "Code". Please try the two links given - do they look "normal" and do they work? Debug information is only shown to Administrators (usergroup 6).

Known bugs
None at the moment.

Version history


Initial release, 19.1.2009Screenshots
AdminCP, Photopost settings, Photo Popup in action
I downloaded this, and I can't get it to work. I have vb 3.8.0 and photopost vbGallery 2.4.3 installed and I followed all instructions on importing your mod.

I really want this to work with the albums in the vbgallery on my forum - any help is appreciated!

edit: specifically, no "Insert" box in My Photos shows up like in your 3rd screenshot
i did. does this work with vbgallery? I am not using photopost itself, just the gallery portion :/
yes it does work with vbgallery cause that's what i use. my forum also uses a custom template so i had to edit one of the editor templates to include the My Photo's legend. There should be a txt file called templateedit open that and read it it'll tell you which template to edit and what code to insert, after that it should work. if not i'm not sure what to tell ya man.