Personal Picture


on the 'replies'..... everyone has a picture, so you can see who is responding and asking. How can I get mine on there? It shows up in the profile, but not on the responding questions page.<!--content-->
I added it for you, but you can edit it using the <b>My Controls</b> link at the top of the page then <i>Personal Profile</i>><i>Edit Avatar Settings</i>.<!--content-->
reddwine, they're two different things, as Dick noticed.<br /><br />One thing is your photo, which is visible on your profile only. The other is your avatar, which is your "logo", your icon on the forums. It can be any image that you want to use to represent your identity and is visible on ever one of your posts. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Thank you so much. I love this forum. I can get my questions asked in record time.<br />You guys are great !<br /><br />Barb <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumbup:" border="0" alt="thumbup.gif" /><!--content-->