Perl XML::Twig Update XML file with another XML


New Member
Here's my problem, i need to update an xml file using another xml Data.xml : \[code\]<?xml version='1.0'?><employees><employee> <employeenumber>V0000001</employeenumber> <name>John Doe</name> <age>43</age> <sex>M</sex> <department>Operations</department></employee><employee> <employeenumber>V0000002</employeenumber> <name>Jane Doe</name> <age>35</age> <sex>F</sex> <department>Operations</department></employee><employee> <employeenumber>V0000003</employeenumber> <name>Jane Doe</name> <age>35</age> <sex>F</sex> <department>Operations</department></employee><employee> <employeenumber>V0000004</employeenumber> <name>Jane Doe</name> <age>35</age> <sex>F</sex> <department>Operations</department></employee><employee> <employeenumber>V0000005</employeenumber> <name>Jane Doe</name> <age>35</age> <sex>F</sex> <department>Operations</department></employee></employees>\[/code\]Data2.xml :\[code\]<?xml version='1.0'?><employees><employee> <employeenumber>V0000002</employeenumber> <name>Jane Doe</name> <age>34</age> <sex>F</sex> <department>Management</department></employee><employee> <employeenumber>V0000004</employeenumber> <name>Jane Doe</name> <age>34</age> <sex>F</sex> <department>Sales</department></employee></employees>\[/code\]So I need to update Data.xml with infos from Data2.xml.I've written this code, it's working but it takes 6hours to execute, Data.xml being rather large (250mo).\[code\]use XML::Twig;my %soi = ();open(FILE,">out.txt");my $diff= XML::Twig->new( pretty_print => 'indented', twig_handlers => { 'employees/employee' => \&stock_n_purge,} ) ->parsefile( 'data2.xml');sub stock_n_purge{ my( $diff, $elt)= @_;$soi{$elt->first_child ("employeenumber")->text} = "1"; # stock l'element dans un tableau$diff->print(\*FILE); printf "Found One";$diff->purge;# frees the memory}my $full= XML::Twig->new( pretty_print => 'indented', twig_handlers => { 'employees/employee' => \&stock_n_purge2,} ) ->parsefile( 'data.xml');sub stock_n_purge2{ my( $diff2, $elt2)= @_;$diff2->print(\*FILE) unless (exists( $soi{$elt2->first_child ("employeenumber")->text} )); $diff2->purge; # frees the memory}close(FILE);\[/code\]The employeenumber being unique, i write every element of data2.xml in a new file, and i store every employeenumbers in an array. Then i parse data.xml and write every element unless it exists in the array.This method is not efficient at all. So instead of re-writing all of data.xml, i would like to delete every element from data.xml which exist in the array(and thus in data2.xml). Then append elements from data2.xml to data.xmlMy probleme being i can't find a way to delete an element from an xml file using XML Twig.Does anybody have any ideas ?Thanks in advance,Simon.