New Member
Hi!<BR><BR>Are there any known performance problems with asp.net and Netscape browsers?<BR><BR>I know Netscape is slow, but when i try to access an .aspx that takes under a second to load in IE I have to wait for about ten seconds using Nestcape 4.7.what did you set the "target-browser" to? Maybe that's the problem.I didn't specify any target-browser. Should I??Remember, all that you're sending is HTML and JavaScript. If you had an equivalent ASP application, or JSP applciation, or any other type of dynamic content....Or even purely static content, everything server-sde is equal. <BR><BR>So, if your app loads quickly in IE, and slowly in NS...Then NS is to blame, and *not* ASP.NET. If you want to speed it up, the surest way is to cut down on the amout of code that you send to the browser....The more you send, the slower NS will load.I guess I have to take a look at how I can cut down at the code. <BR><BR>I thougt maybe the server did some work determing what kind of browser a request came from to decide for example if validation-java-scripts should be sent to the client. <BR><BR>ThanksIt *does* do browser detection, and sends the appropriate JS, but that shouldn't make a noticable difference in load time. At most, a fraction of a second, unless you have hundreds and hundreds of extra lines of code for a particular browser...Which, if you're letting ASP.NET generate it all, you won't.