I've got an application that has been running reasonably well on dev and test boxes. I'm moving it to the live box and after just a few pages I'm getting the following message. <BR><BR>"Timeout expired. Possible reasons: the timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation, the server is not responding, or the maximum pool size was exceeded. Please see the documentation for further details."<BR><BR>The message comes up when trying to open a connection to the database.<BR><BR>Dim objConn As New SqlConnection(connstring)<BR>-->objConn.Open()<BR><BR>value of connstring is something like this<BR>"data source=livebox;initial catalog=demoCalculator;persist security info=False;user id=demouser;pwd=demo;packet size=4096"<BR><BR>Are there some IIS or connection string parameters I need to change or something? I do know it's successfully talking to the SQL server at the start of usage, but the previous message shows up before too long.<BR><BR>Any ideas/help appreciated.This problem runs along the same topic that I posted a few back about a bug in ADO.net. After telling the connection object to close it is still open in SQL server. You can run Sp_who to see all the open connections over flooding your connection pool. I get tons of connections that never close in SQL server and can not kill them unless i recompile the app or save the web.config file again. If you find out how to fix this let me know ASAP! :>)<BR>AaronHas anyone else experienced this same problem? Seems pretty odd.