Performance issues creating an XML file from Database

I'm trying to write an XML file, which is a Google Product feed, but it's very slow.Having done quite a bit of Googling, I am not sure of the fastest approach, except for breaking it into smaller files.I have about 3500 products currently, and this is what I am doing.\[code\]Dim fs As New FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("LOCATION OF FEED XML"), FileMode.Create)Dim writer As New XmlTextWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)writer.WriteStartDocument() ' ==== LOAD DATABASE INTO OdbcDataReader CALLED 'd' ==== 'While d.Read try writer.WriteStartElement("item") writer.WriteStartElement("g:id") writer.WriteString(pID) writer.WriteEndElement() '==== etc catch ignore broken ones endEnd While writer.WriteEndElement() writer.WriteEndDocument() writer.Close() d.Dispose() connection.Dispose() connection.Close()\[/code\]I am not familiar with \[code\]FileStream\[/code\], \[code\]MemoryStream\[/code\] etc, so not really sure what is exactly happening here where the writing is concerned.Presumably writing to memory would be faster, but what's the process to do that and then save to disk?Would the amount of data be an issue for memory?Obviously I am coding with VB, using .NET 2.0Any suggestions appreciated.