Performance issue


New Member
In ASP+ the following should give almost the same result:<BR><BR><input type="text" id="txtname" runat="server"><BR>or<BR><asp:TextBox id="txtName" runat="server"/><BR><BR>And the ASP+ team puts it "it&#039s a lifestyle choise" if you use one or the other.<BR>But are there no performance issues ? With ASP we were always told not to mix ASP & HTML too much and use Response.Write instead of switching between HTML and ASP. <BR><BR>John Raahauge<BR>No I am not on the ASP+ Team or anything, so don&#039t take this as coming from the horse&#039s mouth... but...<BR><BR>The reason you saw a performance gain when using Response.Writes in old-school ASP was because when the script had to be reinterpretted by the scripting engine (which could happen frequently if the cache engine cache was low or the site got a ton of hits), each time you switched from an ASP block to a non-ASP block some kind of lengthy processing switch had to occur in the scripting engine...<BR><BR>With ASP+, since the code is *compiled*, you might face a little performance degredation when compiling it for the first time, but after that it doesn&#039t matter... does that make sense?So I guess that it doesn&#039t matter anymore if you use Response.write or just <%= in ASP+ either ?<BR><BR>John RaahaugeFrom my understand it does not make a difference, performance-wise. Again, though, this question would be better answered by Scott Guthrie or someone with more experience on the inner-workings of ASP+...