Performance issue when uploading file to Oracle DB


New Member
Please help me on this issue:It is a file upload system(Classic ASP+ VB6 Com+): users upload txt file to Oracle DB. Now the issue is the system hangs when uploading data to some tables which contain some records (around 500,000 rows, about 40MB in size, not really big). If I truncate the table, the upload will be completed successfully.The uploading logic: it reads the file, send 1000 records to server asynchonizely at a time and VB uses UPDATEBATCH to commit the inserting via ODBC. The problem is it only commits the first 1000 records. If the ASP time out setting in IIS is default 90seconds, it will error out with ASP time out message. I increased the setting to a larger number (9000), then it hangs there after inserting first 1000 records.... . However, that only happens on PROD. I copied the table structure and data from PROD to DEV, then uploaded the same file, and it works fine on DEV.Here is the table creation script:CREATE TABLE TableA( ID NUMBER(12) NOT NULL,ColA NUMBER(12) NOT NULL,ColB NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, ColC CHAR(2 BYTE), ColD VARCHAR2(2000 BYTE)....)PCTUSED 0PCTFREE 10INITRANS 1MAXTRANS 25STORAGE ( INITIAL 24K\[code\] NEXT 1M MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0 BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT FLASH_CACHE DEFAULT CELL_FLASH_CACHE DEFAULT )\[/code\]LOGGING NOCOMPRESS NOCACHENOPARALLELMONITORING;really appreciate for any suggestions/helps