Performance Difference between MSXML2 and MSXML3?


Staff member
Hi XML pro's!First sorry for my post ten seconds ago, I accidentally hit enter :)Currently we are using the MSXML parser version 2 for our application. Theapp has to load and parse XML documents with about 5000-50000 nodes. Thereason why we use version 2 is because this version is installed on almostall newer client computers so we don't have to include the bulky (>500kb)msxml.dll file into our setup. If we'd use msxml 3, we would need to includethe .dll file into our setup as not everybody already has msxml3 installed,am I right here?Now I'd like to ask if there is any significant performance increase betweenmsxml 2 and msxml 3? All we do with the XML is loading is from file/web anddoing some simple selectsinglenode calls - that's it. If yes, we would considerusing version 3, although the additional 500+ kb would definately hurt asour software is distributed via download only and the setup it's alreadyover 5mb in size :(Thanks for help!Felix