I have made a web site for a client and requested for other link exchanges to some sites but none of them has replied. for some reasonit has been a week or more.seems like they are not interested in link exchanges.and every site of that category is abt the same - PR5, at most 6.shld i ask for link exchanges with sites that are not of my theme>?seems like i have no chioce. done the dmoz. so have the other sites from what I have seen..at this rate, I will only have to wait for dmoz. lol. and we all know how long it may take.. What is the PR of your Links Page? Do these sites regularly exchange links with other sites? If they do, go through the list of sites they have exchanged links with. Some sites I try to exchange links with take week or two to get back to me, some the next day.Have you tried the link exchange forums?As far as I can see, they are either very slow in response or they are not interested in working on their sites no more. Thats my vibes though...Most/if not all of these sites are already in dmoz.PR is a zero. it is still a new site. yeah i tried link exchange forums . Maybe I should wait longer..I would usually wait until your PR is at least showing. Most will look at your links page and think that you are possibly banned or stopping the pass of PR to the links page.The PR bar should be updated soon.thanks for the fast response vetofunk.I havent even got a single backlink on that site.haha. no replies at all so far.my pr will remain 0.hmm,. waiting for them to reply seems so pointless too. mebbe i shld email them all again. lol.I feel like I am spamming them...You do not need outside links to get PR. Depending how many pages are on your actual site, they will build your homepage PR which will pass throughout your site.What area of business is this site in?I totally forgot that pr is also based on number of pages too. the site is a car forum-based site.I have requested for link exchange in jimworld with my other member acct. jim127. heheh. no response yet.I saw that one. I think people are just reluctant because you do not currently have any PR.How about:http://forums.seochat.com/f43/shttp://www.webproworld.com/viewforum.php?f=34lol. I knew you will see that one.yeah getting link exchange without pr is difficult for some categories. so far, thsi is the first time i have experienced the lack of interest.other sites with different categories have been smooth with link exchanges so far. and they had no PR.I will check out the links you sent me. + do abit of waiting of pr. thanks for now!and i need to do more readings on seo. I cant believe that I forgot abt how pr can be derived frmo no. of pages as well.How many pages do you need to generate some form of pr im assuming at least 20+ just to generate 1 pr 1 page. and if google will only index 100 pages of your site your not going to get much PR that way.I have built sites that only had PR coming from other pages in the site, had less than 100 pages, and still got a PR of 5...and it's always 5, I hate 5.Quote:It might help to explain that your site is new...and maybe mention other sites you have optimized and how you new site will do as well....if no one is linking to you and your going to get good PR eventually...it would be smart to be one of a handful of outgoing links on your site...the PR you will be passing will be strong.You may also try getting a few good PR links to you links page...this will speed up the time that it takes to pass the PR internally to your site.I noticed over the past two updates that new pages/sites will get initially low PR and then after an update or two will get the expected PR...it's like google has to find you page and then find the links to it and then finally give you PR....then it would take another update to push it throught to your internal pages....by getting links to the internal page directly you can avoid an update or two waiting period.Quote:It was actually before the directory submission. The site has about 80 inner pages pointing to the homepage.