PearDB and Pear Auth


New Member
I havent seen many posts here about using Pear Classes (apart from that excellent article on PearDB).

I'm trying to use Pear Auth (with PearDB - mySQL) to authenticate restricted access to a site, and then using PearDB, access a separate DB with the users other information and logs.

I havent seen an article anywhere that shows an easy to follow example of using Pear Auth, nor have I seen an example of how to use Pear DB to query 2 databases, if at all possible.

I know accessing 2 databases can be slow, but I would much prefer to keep my Authentication database seperate from my user information, web database and logs.

My thinking is to keep the authentication DB, User info, and web stuff separate from the logs, to keep the speed up, since the log DB could get very big, but still be able to SELECT info from the logs on a per user/group/whatever basis (from the Auth DB).

I'd love to hear some suggestions on this, and how best to implement it.

The pear stuff seems excellent, and quite easy to use, but a lot of the code is a bit over my head...hopefully, as it gains popularity, we'll begin to see more classes, and more example applications...and perhaps somewhere to download the classes easily (i'm not familiar with CVS).

Thanks in advance!

Simon H