PEAR to send email from PHP script using a remote server with SMTP authentication


New Member
My php can't find mail.phpI installed the PEAR package in a directory named pear_adminI secured everything in that directory with .htaccess and .htpasswd When I go to it asks for my username and password.This works and I am able to see and use PEAR Package ManagementI installed the Mail package.I created a php5.ini file and placed it in my root folder.When I click the submit button on my contact page, the PHP file finds php5.ini But then it goes wrong.It can't find mail.phpIt's in the newly created directory. Which is different from where my Contact page is.php5.ini should solve that problem.The path in php5.ini is include_path = .:/usr/local/php5/lib/php:/home/content/91/5799191/html/mywebsite/pear_admin/PEARI tried quotes as wellinclude_path = ".:/usr/local/php5/lib/php:/home/content/91/5799191/html/mywebsite/pear_admin/PEAR"I'm not sure if there're any other solutions I need to try.I don't think I did anything wrong when I installed the Mail package. It's just a click of a button.Maybe it's the PHPI tried both require_once "Mail.php"; and include('Mail.php');Maybe it's because I secured it with .htpasswdThat's something I don't understand. How can it access that file when I'm not giving it the username and password in my PHP? Shouldn't I be doing that? If so, how ?Thank you.