Pear And Db.php


I'm on a reseller plan, and one of my customers asked me this question:<br /><br />"Does the TotalChoice implementation of PEAR include the DB.PHP. or should I include it, myself, locally."<br /><br />Anyone have any guidance for me (and him)?<br /><br />Thanks...<br /><br />Paul<!--content-->
I just today signed up with TCH but looking at the php info page, it clearly says "-with pear-" in the compile details at the top of the page.<br /><br />See for yourself at<br /><a href="" target="_blank">TCH Info page</a><br /><br />I'll tell you something else that I noticed...<br /><br />As a webdesigner that uses a ton of php and mysql, I was pleasantly surprised to see that TCH has compiled PHP with all the fun goodies that I was missing at my old hosting provider:<ul><li>XSLT</li><li>Pear (at least it appears to be included)</li><li>Zend Optimizer</li><li>GD</li></ul>And you can run cron jobs (automatic execution of certain scripts)<br /><br />To me, this is HUGE!<br /><br />In about 24-48 hours, I could give you a definitive answer.<br /><br />Hope this helps a little.<!--content-->
Surefire--- thanks for the kind words. Yes, TCH has many tools available to its users. Sometimes the issue of "latest and greatest" versions will be asked. It's always a choice between having a verison that's reliable, versus staying on the "bleeding edge" - as they used to call it.<br /><br />I think the Head Guru and his staff do a good job of maintaining a good balance. Sometimes new security issues may force a newer version to be installed sooner than later, but they usually will give us a "heads up" when that happens.<br /><br />-kw<!--content-->
I noticed that PEAR is included, but that's only an umbrella for several "libraries", like DB.PHP. I know on my dev environment, I had to install the two separately. Is there any way to tell if (and where) TCH installed DB.PHP?<br /><br />dz<!--content-->
Both PEAR and DB.php are included on TCH servers. Usually, you need to define the location of DB.php via editing the .htaccess file on your site. I believe an entry like this should work for you:<br /><br />php_value include_path ".:/usr/local/lib/php" <br />-or-<br />php_value include_path "/usr/local/lib/php" <br /><br />Also, be sure you include a statement in your PHP program like this:<br /><br />require_once 'DB.php';<br /><br /><br />HTH!<br />-kw<!--content-->
Smokin'! Just what I needed to know.<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />dz<!--content-->