hi i have a table in mysql have six fields\[code\]ID, mobileNumber, firstName, lastName, email, password , rollID\[/code\]ID is autoincrement and i want to insert to it using php php code\[code\]public function run($firstName, $lastName, $mobileNumber, $email, $password, $rePassword) { if (!$this->db->isExistedMobile($mobileNumber)) { try { $query = "INSERT INTO user (firstName, lastName, mobileNumber, email, password, rollID) VALUES firstName, :lastName, :mobileNumber, :email, assword, 'rollID')"; $sth = $this->db->prepare($query); $sth->execute(array( ':firstName' => $firstName, ':lastName' => $lastName, ':mobileNumber' => $mobileNumber, ':email' => $email, 'assword' => $password, ':rollID' => "roma" )); header("location: " . URL . "index"); } catch (PDOException $e) { die($e->getMessage()); exit; } } else { include 'controlers/Error.php'; $error = new Error(); $error->index("you enterd a used mobile number"); } }\[/code\]i have this exception\[code\]SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens\[/code\]the function isExistedMobile always return false so don't worry about it , i don't know where is the wrong , is it in the syntax ? or in the rollID cos i make it static ? thank you for helping