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Is there any SEO benefit to offering copies of your pages in pdf format. I know it's convenient for printing purposes and to send to people who may not have internet access but want to take the info with them...say like on a plane.Will these get picked up as dupes? Does google crawl the content inside the pdf file...will it follow any links?google crawls the contents in pdf. the links will be followed as far as i know..as for dupes, I was just wondering about the same question a few days ago.. what you trying to get is:g-etting twice the number of pages/contents and being seen by google ?lets hear what the others have to say abt this.."what you trying to get is: getting twice the number of pages/contents and being seen by google ? " Not my main goal but that would be a nice benefit I do high end real estate sites and want to be able to let surfers take the content with them to places that don have an internet connection....these clients tend to be Jet Setters and don't sit at thier PC's for hours on end.....most of them don't even live in these homes...they buy them as investments, hold on to them for a few years and sell them to the next investor.My big fear is that the pages will be caught in the dupe filter and hurt the ranking of my sites.many people who fear the duplicate problem offer the full pdf version and then a shorter more keyword dense version as an abstract on their siteSound advice seobook ...Seems I am always learning something new around here ... keep it up. "many people who fear the duplicate problem offer the full pdf version and then a shorter more keyword dense version as an abstract on their site"...but I want to just make copies of the page. Is there a way to stop google from indexing the pdf files?Couldn't you just gather them in a directory and use your robots.txt file to disallow indexing?good idea...but would that still allow me to link to them from the actual pages....something like.."download this page in pdf format"?here's some info on formats supported by google: http://www.google.com/help/faq_filetypes.htmlAlthough it doesn't address the issues with linking and dupe content.it will be nice to generate more pages this way but, I think linking them pdf as links - in pdf format , will not work out. when it comes to google i mean...even if it may sound right to offer users a pdf format...the spiders will still see them as duplicates. It will be interesting and user friendly if you are to pull out key points of yr html contents and make a summary (pdf format of cuz..)maybe this will work I found this in the google webmaster guildlines:"I don't want Google to index non-HTML file types on my site.To disallow a specific file type,simply modify the Disallow command in your robots.txt file. This works for all of the types of files Googlebot crawls,including HTML, GIFs and .docs. For example, to disallow Microsoft Word files with the ".doc" extension, you would add the following lines to your robots.txt file:" User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: /*.doc$so I guess the same could be used for /*.pdf$Then I could do the pdf thing and not worry about dupes....but I won't get any extra pages yeah man, you wont get extra pages if you use disallow .lol. If I want to offer pdf files on the site and these pdf files are user manuals... I found the user manuals offered in another site too.Will the pdf files be recognised by google as dupes?They are user manuals and produced by the companies/manufacturers themselves..anybody? Quote:Quote: