Pda Sites


Hi,<br /><br />I had a question about PDA sites. Both in terms of scripting and practicality.<br /><br />Scripting.<br />I've heard there are countless browsers, platforms, colors, etc to code for. And the way a PDA site is built is such that an elusive Header Script is put into the regular site, which somehow figures out if the surfer is on a PC vs PDA, and what their platform, browser, resultion is etc, and sends them the correct site. So my first question is, does anyone know how to program this Header Script?<br /><br />Practicality.<br />Maybe this should be my first question. Does anybody know of any statistics, or can relate their own experiences, about whether or not people use PDA's to surf the web. Do people use Google on PDA to search for things?<br /><br />Thanks for helping out a curious site maker.<!--content-->
I am not sure but I bet Bruce has an answer for this one.<!--content-->
Actually there are probably quite a few that surf with a PDA given the popularity of the Treo600 and Treo650 not to mention all the widows powered devices.<br /><br />I have a Sony UX50 that does WiFi and it handles most web sites with no problems including my own which I have never put any scripting into.<br /><br />Even new cellphones come with pretty good browsers that don't require the pages be in WAP format.<br /><br />I'll see if I can dig up some info it's been a while since I looked.<!--content-->
I found a couple of sites that provide some good information. Here are the links.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-html40-mobile/" target="_blank">HTML 4.0 Guidelines for Mobile Access</a><br /><a href="http://www.w3.org/Mobile/" target="_blank">Mobile Access</a><!--content-->