Pblms .doc >>> .html


This post is regarding .doc to html conversion.<br />
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I have a .doc explaining some material.<br />
After explanations,i have a set of questions and<br />
each question is followed by some space were the user can type in his/her answers.<br />
By clicking save the doc is saved<br />
in the users machine,WITH their answers for the questions.<br />
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I am converting these .doc to html.<br />
Instead of space that i provided in .doc for students to type in, i am providing<br />
text boxes but, when the html is saved, i cant get wats typed in the text box. <br />
Is there anyway to achieve the same effect, as is<br />
in .doc,in html<br />
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Suggestions please...<!--content-->hmm it doesnt really work the same!!<br />
i think what you want to do is a form, which when the user has filled it out and clicked submit it would then be emailed to you!<br />
if so go here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutors/forms.html">http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutors/forms.html</a><!-- m -->) to learn how<!--content-->I don't beleive you can do that AmmonRa. when the user loads the .doc in their browser it is actually running on their machine as a plugin. you don't have any control over it unless you did a ActiveX thing and took control.<!--content-->Thanks for the replies.<!--content-->