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I am trying to alter an example page that requests the paypal paykey by passing the paypal certificate. I would just like to pass the paypal signature but I keep getting the following error. The paypal account credentials do not require a certificate:msxml6.dll (0x80072F0C)A certificate is required to complete client authentication Any help would be greatly appreciated, Here is the code I am using with credentials removed:\[code\]<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%><%'constantsConst API_USERNAME = "**************" 'Get this from your profile API accessConst API_PASSWORD = "***************" Const APPLICATION_ID = "***************" Const MY_SIGNATURE = "***************" Dim strR'REQUIRED parametersstrR = strR & "&actionType=pay"strR = strR & "&cancelUrl=http://somewhere.com"strR = strR & "¤cyCode=AUD"strR = strR & "&receiverList.receiver(0).email=me@myEmail"strR = strR & "&receiverList.receiver(0).amount=50.00"strR = strR & "&returnUrl=http://somewhere.com"'Create HTTP object and do comunication with API'sIf not isobject(vXMLHttp) Then Set vXMLHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")'Set AP / AA target url and open the connectionstrURL = "https://svcs.paypal.com/AdaptivePayments/Pay"vXMLHttp.open "POST", strURL, false 'Set HTTP headers. Using constants from Constants.asp vXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID", API_USERNAMEvXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-PASSWORD", API_PASSWORDvXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "X-PAYPAL-REQUEST-DATA-FORMAT", "NV"vXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "X-PAYPAL-RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT", "NV"vXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID", APPLICATION_IDvXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-SIGNATURE", MY_SIGNATURE'Send the request and wait for 5 seconds for responsevXMLHttp.Send strRvXMLHttp.waitForResponse 5 'Work with response from PayPalstrResponse = vXMLHttp.responseText 'Manage our objects / release themSet vXMLHttp = nothing'Print out received responseResponse.Write("Results received from PayPal<br>")Response.Write("################################################################<br>")arrList = split(strResponse, chr(38))For each item in arrList Response.Write(item & "<br />" )NextstrTemp = arrList(4)arrList = split(strTemp, chr(61))response.Write("PayKey=" & arrList(1))%>\[/code\]