
New Member
Start Your Own Online Digital

Product Selling & Buying Service Now Anyone Can
Start A Marketplace

Service With This High Quality Marketplace Site


Introducing E - Marketplace a powerful Php/MySql
database driven digital product management
website script

Selling digital products such as software and
ebooks online is a great way to earn a residual

Dear all my Friend,
You CAN start a new business today Imagine
making money helping other
people to sell their products quickly. Many
people selling digital
products need an online marketplace. make money
simply by letting this
system run automatically All you do is sit back
and collect your

One of the most popular products available today
are ebooks and other
digital products. People want things fast. People
selling these
products need someone like you to help them sell
their products to
their customers. If you provided this service,
they simply work with
the installed program on your website and you can
charge any payment or
commission fees on sold products you want.

Make MORE Money In Less Time with ZERO Effort

Once you set up this system, simply talk to
others about your services.
This is the ultimate dream for any business
owner. The service
practically sells itself You make money and your
customers make money.
This is so easy, a teenager could run his/her own
business using this

This system is integrated with PayPal for payment
processing and the
standard service backend to handle the digital
file delivery. This
means all digital products can be delivered to
buyer instantly when the
customer continues after payment.

No longer will you have to deal with small
affiliate checks. Now you
can earn with your own business, while at the
same time multiplying
your bank balance.

Create, Ban, Delete and Activate Members Accounts

Limit Free Members Posting

Configure How Much To Pay Commissions

Feature Listing Fee For Both Levels

Pro Members Subscription Fee

Configure How Many Listing Can Be On One Page

Admin Can See Member Profiles And A List Of All

See Product Listing And Delete Any As Needed

Admin Can Manage Members Affiliate Commissions

Add And Remove Categories And Sub-Categories

See Product Details Posted By Members

Change Passwords As Needed

Receive Email Notification As New Members Join

Contact All Members Via Email

Set Rates For Feature Listings

There are two levels to the member area, Free and
Pro levels.

New free members signup via online registration
form and then verify their email.

Free members can upgrade to Pro Membership from
inside the Members Area with a paid monthly

Post/Edit/Remove any offers.

Free members can post a limited number of

Pro members can post unlimited products.

Members post listing with image

WYSIWYG editor for HTML formatted item

Members can post feature listings for an extra

Members can see there summary of all products
they have posted.

All members can add money instantly in their

Members can use an affiliate link from the
members area. They can check
affiliate stats, see how many referred as well as
commission made.
Members can check account details: Account
balance, last 10
transactions, about deposit, affiliate
commissions and as well as
feature listing deductions.

Members can change their profile.

Customizable Header And Footers

Product Listing Page With Featured and New
Products Listings

Product Description Page

Members Registration Form
Forgot Password Feature
Search Feature For Products
This system completely runs itself. Simply check
your admin area on
occasion and set up your pre-determined service
fees and let it start
making money for you.

