Patterns for caching related data


New Member
I'm currently developing the foundation of a an application, and looking for ways to optimize performance. My setup is based on the CakePHP framework, but I believe my question is relevant to any technology stack, as it relates to data caching.Let's take a typical post-author relation, which is represented by 2 tables in my db. When I query the database for a specific blog post, at the same time the built-in ORM functionality in CakePHP also fetches the author of the post, comments on the post, etc. All of this is returned as one big-ass nested array, which I store in cache using a unique identifier for the concerned blog post.When updating the blog post, it is child play to destroy the cache for the post, and have it regenerated with the next request.But what happens when not the main entity (in this case the blog post) gets updated, but rather some of the related data? For example, a comment could be deleted, or the author could update his avatar. Are there any approaches (patterns) which I could consider for tracking updates to related data, and applying updates to my cache accordingly?I'm curious to hear whether you've also run into similar challenges, and how you have managed to potentially overcome the hurdle. Feel free to provide an abstract perspective, if you're using another stack on your end. Your views are anyhow much appreciated, many thanks!