Pattern Matching


New Member
I have urgent problems in Pattern-Matching.My XML-Document is like this:<book><chapter>Intro</chapter><chapter>Meanwhile</chapter><chapter>The End</chapter></book>and want to put theese chapters in a form by using xsl:for-each in my XSL-Stylesheet.It looks like this:<table border="0"><xsl:for-each select="book/chapter"><tr><td><xsl:value-of select="../chapter"/></td></tr></xsl:for-each></table>The Problem is, I should have something like 'xsl:value-of select="self"',because I need to match on 'chapter' in the xsl:for-each loop to get all3 loops.But if I try to match on 'chapter' later I only gget the first chapter shown3 times.Please help me, my heads gonna blow off!