Pasting text into HTML files


Staff member
Hello there,<br />
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This will probably seem like a really pathetic problem but here goes. <br />
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Can somebody please tell me if there is a way of pasting large amount of text into a HTML document without having to put in all the tags like <br> and making spaces? <br />
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Problem is, I've had a commission where I need to put up an odd 1000 pages of poetry and prose which is all layed out in a particular manner and retyping it all will take eternities! <br />
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I use AceHTML 5 Pro as my HTML editor.<br />
Any help would be appreciated immensely.<br />
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Thank you,<br />
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River :dunce:<!--content-->I'm not familiar with AceHTML Pro 5, but I know that Dreamweaver 4 will let you paste text into the HTML and will generally keep the formatting. If you can't get hold of a copy of this then I suggest you look around for other web authoring packages to see if any others will do this.<!--content-->HTML Builder XP (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) does this I think!<!--content-->