Password Protect Area


I need to set up a password protect area for a web site. Can someone please help me with the code for set-up of the password and auto delivery to the recipient? Thank you.<br />
Goose1<!--content-->Hi Goose1,<br />
You are talking about a php or other serverside scripting, possibly with a database to store your customers details?<br />
If so, you are probably better off asking this question to a php forum.<br />
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If you need more info pm me.<br />
cheers Maurice<!--content-->Question one should really be:<br />
WHY do you want a password protected area? If you have a real need of security, then server side is needed - as suggested above. If it's just something simple that doesn't matter too much if somebody cracks it, then you might consider javascript - particularly if your host doesn't support server side.<!--content-->if you are going to have something in the protected area that you actually want protected, then DEFINITELY use side-server, as has already been pointed out, otherwise, you can check out these js examples ---><!--content-->and if your webserver is apache (most likely) you can use a .htaccess file<!--content--><br />
just for the heck of pimping an article I wrote.<!--content-->