Password Protect A Particular Webpage

Hi,<br /><br />I am looking for a some code or script that will help me do the following:<br />1) Password protect a page/directory<br />2) Allow some users to access this page<br />3) Edit the page<br />4) Logout<br /><br />Please help, this is urgent.<!--content-->
Hello Aspiringminz,<br /><br />Welcome to totalchoicehosting!<br /><br />The first part 1 and 2 can be done via CPANEL, however then to edit the page and logout requires a WYSIWYG editor. <br /><br />I would suggest maybe the best thing for this would be a simple CMS (content management system) like joomla.<br /><br />I hope this helps<br /><br />JimE<!--content-->
1. you can password protect the directory/folder in cPanel<br />2. tell the users who need access this password<br />3. create ftp account for these users and allow access to that directory which will allow them to upload and edited version of the page<br />4. close the browser or ftp program<!--content-->
<!--quoteo(post=178606:date=May 10 2006, 09:11 AM:name=Madmanmcp)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Madmanmcp @ May 10 2006, 09:11 AM) <a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->1. you can password protect the directory/folder in cPanel<br />2. tell the users who need access this password<br />3. create ftp account for these users and allow access to that directory which will allow them to upload and edited version of the page<br />4. close the browser or ftp program<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />i didnt get a clear idea about it <br />cant we do it by some php or asp codes ?<!--content-->
<!--quoteo(post=178603:date=May 10 2006, 09:05 AM:name=TCH-JimE)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TCH-JimE @ May 10 2006, 09:05 AM) <a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hello Aspiringminz,<br /><br />Welcome to totalchoicehosting!<br /><br />The first part 1 and 2 can be done via CPANEL, however then to edit the page and logout requires a WYSIWYG editor. <br /><br />I would suggest maybe the best thing for this would be a simple CMS (content management system) like joomla.<br /><br />I hope this helps<br /><br />JimE<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />if i use joomla that "password" protection wont be there isnt it ?<!--content-->
Welcome to the fourms aspiringmindz<br /><br />You may be able to find some scripting over at that may do what you are aking.<!--content-->
Welcome to the forums, aspiringmindz.<br /><br />Most CMS scripts allow you to configure users who have secure access to the system. You can block certain types of content from being viewed by non-logged in members, and you can restrict new member registration.<br /><br />You might try some of the script installations in Fantastico in the CMS section to see if they meet your needs.<!--content-->
Welcome to the forum, aspiringmindz. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Welcome to the fourms aspiringmindz <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
welcome aspiringmindz <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> <br /><br />I have used many CMS systems in the past. I have found that e107 is the easiest one to setup and maintain. A cms maybe overkill though for what you need. As mentioned earlier, you may want to check and see if they have what your looking for.<br /><br />Good luck.<!--content-->
Welcome to the forums, aspiringmindz! <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
I found this script a couple months ago at Hotscripts, as Bruce suggests. I think it is what you are looking for. It allows someone with little HTML (or no) knowledge to log into a page and edit its content. If they know HTML, they can use tags, if not, they can just add text to say what they want.<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />HTH, Tom<!--content-->
<!--quoteo(post=178847:date=May 12 2006, 09:45 AM:name=tomowa)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tomowa @ May 12 2006, 09:45 AM) <a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I found this script a couple months ago at Hotscripts, as Bruce suggests. I think it is what you are looking for. It allows someone with little HTML (or no) knowledge to log into a page and edit its content. If they know HTML, they can use tags, if not, they can just add text to say what they want.<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />HTH, Tom<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br />\\THANK YOU I THINK I HAVE GOT WHAT I HAVE WANTED YOU ARE SUCH A HELP THANKS AGAIN<!--content-->
I have been working on a site for my friend which does what you are trying to do. <br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />Click on the "Version 1.0" star to login, username: demo, password: demo<br />The star will only work from the homepage, but you will be able to edit a few of the pages.<br /><br />I can send you a copy of the files if you'd like. However, I have to warn you that it's not simple by any means. I noticed you wrote that you needed an urgent solution, so this might not be it, but you might get some ideas. If anyone else is interested let me know.<br /><br />You're all welcome to go and play around with the site since it's not live yet, but please do not erase everything or deface the site.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Sandro<!--content-->