Password Problem.

Hello.<br /><br />I had some help of someone of this site yesterday, he created my username and registration as an admin, he picked the password etc. However, i forgot the password entered the password in incorrectly a number of times and now it says i've used all my logging in chances and must wait. It's said this for over 14hrs.<br /><br />How can thins be changed so i can log in again?<br /><br />Help.<!--content-->
Hello,<br /><br />Where exactly are you trying to login to? your control panel or a script that you have installed.<!--content-->
The easiest would be to contact whoever helped you installing this I believe. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /><!--content-->
He's not around, i'm only trying to log into the forum as an admin of the forum, however due to me putting the password in wrong a number of times i cant use the forum or sign in.<br /><br />Be back just after 3, uk.<br />Wont be long, i need to get on there asap as i'm on a bit of a time scale to have this forum completed.<!--content-->
Hello,<br /><br />Sounds like you will have to wait until the guy that setup the forum, it about 2:15 in the UK so shouldn't be too long until he is online.<!--content-->