password help


I want to set up my website with a members only section. i.e. a section of my website with user name and password protection. CAn anyone help me. I am using front page I have been told to go to the tools section and then click on server. I can not do this as the server part of tools is greyed out. <br />
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Please help I am getting no where fast.<!--content-->You wont get much help for frontpage related issues here; most of us dont use it, especially for a problem of this nature. :p<br />
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However, we can definetely help you set up a password protected area using a server-side language. You will have to find out which languages are supported by your server, then post your requirements in the corresponding forum.<br />
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Some language options include: PHP, ASP, CGI, JSP, ColdFusion.<br />
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Check out these sites for some examples:<br />
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Regards,<br />
Andrew Buntine.<!--content-->