Password authentication question


Hi all, I've set up a registration form on my site and I need for people to choose a username and password. I need to set up the password form so that when they enter the password for the second time, it verifies that it matches the first password entry. Do I need a script for this or what is the proper way to code this?<br />
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The way it's coded right now I could type in two different passwords and the form still gets sent, or I could create a typo and it still gets sent.<br />
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All help is appreciated.<!--content-->Originally posted by InxomniaK <br />
Hi all, I've set up a registration form on my site and I need for people to choose a username and password. I need to set up the password form so that when they enter the password for the second time, it verifies that it matches the first password entry. Do I need a script for this or what is the proper way to code this?<br />
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The way it's coded right now I could type in two different passwords and the form still gets sent, or I could create a typo and it still gets sent.<br />
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All help is appreciated. <br />
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yes, you need a server side script, or use htaccess. Forms only send data, they don't parse the data or check it in any way, they are just the messenger so to speak. Search script archives, there are many password scripts you can use for protecting access to directories. <br />
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