password and login

I have a website that I wanted to add a password and login to and I was wondering how I would link it to the page that the user members are suppossed to have access to? My website was premade so the "Password" and "Login" are already there I just need to figure out how to link them to the one page that I want the users to see.<br />
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Chris<!--content--><script><br />
function loginTrue() {<br />
window.location="membersarea.html"<br />
}<br />
function loginFalse() {<br />
alert("Incorect password or username")<br />
}<br />
</script><br />
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just call loginTrue when its right and LoginFaklse when somethings wrong<br />
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chao<br />
zach<!--content-->Don't use Javascript for any form of security. You need some kind of server-side language to handle the login - find out which language(s) you have available, and search or post a message in the appropriate forum.<br />
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Adam<!--content-->Yes java script is not secure, one only has to view your source to find whats in the cookie or look to see what the pass is. Its just not safe at all. Plus you dont have the data base session, or a data base at all for that matter, it can make it a real pain in the butt. A server side language offers a lot more room to add on in the future. Please find out what server side language your host supports then run with it.<!--content-->