passing variables to parent?


New Member
does anyone know a trick to get a child window to change the parent's variables? the parent has a few big divs, absolutely positioned and sized, with smaller menu divs across the tops. the function finds all of the big divs, changes their css colors, then gets the menus and colors them accordingly, so i have 4 color variables which make up the color scheme. the child window is a customization window, where the user can pick and choose their own colors. this window needs to change these variables, after which i can rerun the coloring function. but, that still leaves me getting values from a child to a parent. i've tried things like window.parent, parent.document, and a few others, but any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
this is exclusively for IE6.0, as it is my active desktop.

if anyone's interested, i put an online version at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. i'm fairly sure geocities has found some way to cripple it, what with all the crap code they put on your page, but it seems stable enough at the moment. of course, feel free to borrow, steal, mutilate, or otherwise adopt any parts you feel worthy.