I'm trying to link to a php/database page using hyperlinks, but I can't get the output_entries() function to recognise variables within my query string - I just get errors.
The query string looks like this -
$cur= odbc_exec( $cnx, "select Index,ItemName,ItemOwner,Description,ItemPrice,ImageURL from Inventory where Type='CD' and Category=\"$criteria\" " );
where $criteria is defined earlier in the function. What's happening?
Also, is linking to a PHP page with hyperlinks instead of a form possible? (currently my URL's look like href=http://www.phpbuilder.com/board/archive/index.php/"view.php?type=1&category=2". Is that legal?
The query string looks like this -
$cur= odbc_exec( $cnx, "select Index,ItemName,ItemOwner,Description,ItemPrice,ImageURL from Inventory where Type='CD' and Category=\"$criteria\" " );
where $criteria is defined earlier in the function. What's happening?
Also, is linking to a PHP page with hyperlinks instead of a form possible? (currently my URL's look like href=http://www.phpbuilder.com/board/archive/index.php/"view.php?type=1&category=2". Is that legal?