Passing variable between Pages.


New Member
Hi,<BR><BR> I have 3 asp forms, say Form1.aspx, Form2.aspx, Form3.aspx<BR><BR> I am entering some values from Form1.aspx.<BR><BR> After entering values in the Form1.aspx, page is redirected to Form2.aspx and from Form2.aspx page is redirected to Form3.aspx.<BR><BR> I want to capture these values(i.e values entered in the Form1.aspx) in the page Form3.aspx.<BR><BR> Can anybody help me in this?<BR><BR>Thanks in advance.<BR>I have also been trying to do something simular with passing variables to asp.<BR>The only i have found so far to use the get and post form commands.<BR>this page goes into more detail<BR> have a couple different options. The first option is using server.transfer(true) instead of response.redirect. This will pass the request variables to the next page. <BR><BR>The second option is to pass the values along in the querystring, this is good if you only want to pass an id or something.<BR><BR>The last option is to use session variables or something similiar, which I would not suggest as they will be stored in server memory.<BR><BR>(Ok, I lied, you have three options)