Passing Recordsets with SOAP


Staff member
I am trying to run the ADO Type Mapper examplethat comes with SOAP 2.0 SDK, but with anASP server page rather than a VB client.I get the following error when on the lineSet result = SoapClient.Get_ADOTYPE(rec1)Error: Class doesn't support Automation: 'Get_ADOTYPE'How can I get this to work?I have called soapclient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = TrueThis is the client-side code:<%Dim SoapClient ' As MSSOAPLib.SoapClientdim resultdim wsdlUrldim wsmlurldim rec1Set rec1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rec1.Open "C:\Program Files\MSSOAP\Samples\ADOTM\Client\Rpc\Vb\samplerecordset.adtg"Response.Write("RecordCount is = " & rec1.recordcount)Set SoapClient = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")soapclient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True '// THIS IS THEKEY LINEwsdlUrl = "http://MSSoapSampleServer/MSSoapSamples/ADOTM/Server/IsapiVb/ADOTM.wsdl"wsmlurl = "http://MSSoapSampleServer/MSSoapSamples/ADOTM/Server/IsapiVb/ADOTM.wsdl"Call SoapClient.mssoapinit(wsdlUrl, "", "", wsmlUrl)Set result = SoapClient.Get_ADOTYPE(rec1)Response.Write(result.recordcount)set result = nothingSet soapclient = Nothing%>