Passing radio button results to a third page


I'm working on a support tool, and would like to do the following over 3 pages:<br />
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Page 1 - User makes Radio button selection & presses Continue.<br />
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Page 2 - Text/Information displayed, user presses Continue.<br />
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Page 3 - Based on the Radio button selection from page 1 , the user is directed to one of two possible page 3's.<br />
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Yep, I'm pretty new :) , so I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to do this! <br />
I'm getting familiar with forms, but this one seems just out of my reach...<br />
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Thanks!<br />
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trev<!--content-->You would need to do this with a server-side language. So you'll have to learn something like PHP, Perl/CGI, ASP or JSP...<br />
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Jona<!--content-->Another thing you could do is use some JavaScript. When the user clicks the button, you could call a function that document.write()'s a whole nother page including the values in the forms from the origonal page, then in that page have it re-direct them when the click the button based on those variables you wrote in. I hope that made sense... :-/<!--content-->You can pass the values using the URL,what you'd need to do is when a user clicks on a "next" page will need to append the this pages selection va;ues to the URL of the next page and then at the next page parse the values from the URL..<!--content-->Excellent!<br />
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I need to avoid server-side activity, so I'll try experimenting using the Javascript & URL suggestions!<br />
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Thanks!!<br />
:D <br />
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