Passing PHP arguments into NetBeans into a page that features symfony url-routing


New Member
I am doing the Jobeet tutorial that features url routing. The url routing (I think that's the proper term) makes urls look like this http://localhost:8080/frontend_dev.php/job/extreme-sensio/paris-france/2/web-designerI would like to debug into this page however I cannot properly pass arguments into NetBeans. I set the arguments in NetBeans "Run Configuration" area to this job/extreme-sensio/paris-france/2/web-designerhowever the url that is executed is this (notice the ? that NetBeans automatically appends to index file) http://localhost:8080/frontend_dev.php?job/extreme-sensio/paris-france/2/web-designerBecause of the ? it doesn't work properly. Thanks in advance.