Passing of Variables from 1 page to another ie(url?var=value)


Staff member
:confused: :confused: :confused: <br />
I mostly only work with software development and network admin, so I havn't done a whole lot of WebDev. I'm currently working on a presence that will be using a db connection, with a few asp's, but I need to know ALL I would need in the docs inorder to get the passing to work. Up to now, the values I have been passing are being lost.<br />
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To better assist you all in helping, this is what I am doing:<br />
I am trying to pass values in this manner.....<br />
<a href="blah.html:?variable=value&variable2=value2><br />
where the bold text is the the information I am attempting to pass to the linked page. However, I KEEP LOSING THE INFORMATION BECAUSE I AM MISSING SOMETHING!!! ARRRGH<br />
PLEASE HELP ME!!:eek:<!--content-->Didn't get much help here, lol. I figure I can just code up a function in either vbs or js that'll yank those values out for me. Heck, that may be the only way and I just havn't seen it.:rolleyes:<br />
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Perhaps I need to be more clear.... For example, the URL to this post I am writing now is:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tid=135770</a><!-- m --> <br />
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Ok? Now, the bolded part of the URL is obviously variables that were passed from the source page that called the current page. I know how this passing is done, I need to know what all is needed in order to get the passing to work. Do I have write my own extraction function, or does the browser have a built in method?<!--content-->Originally posted by PhillMc <br />
Didn't get much help here...You were not very patient, either.<br />
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Do you need to do this client side, or with ASP?<!--content-->Originally posted by pyro <br />
You were not very patient, either.<br />
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Do you need to do this client side, or with ASP? <br />
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lol, patient coder I am not! it's being done with on a server at this location. Thanks for your help!<br />
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edit: Well, after further thought, either way (client/server side) will do<!--content-->I don't know any ASP.NET at all, but I can tell you that you can get the entire query string with Request.Querystring; or individual values with Request.Querystring("id"); (where id is the name of the value). I can also tell you that this should have been posted in the ASP section... ;)<!--content-->Thanks man. Didn't really know where to post, since I have seen this done with html docs, I thought I would try here. Still shocked at how SIMPLE the answer was!:eek:<br />
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BTW: EXCELLENT site! I'm impressed with the simplicity of the source. Glad you got things resolved with 'Company X':)<!--content-->Thanks man. Behold the power of CSS. :) (As a side note, also look at CSS Zen Garden (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) to see CSS's power even more apparent, including my own submission, Windmill (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ndmill.css</a><!-- m -->))<!--content-->