I'm trying to pass a list from a controller to a view. I've checked the controller side with breakpoints and everything seems to be ok. problem is in the view. i get only the last element of the list for all positions in the list.example list in controller is : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5in view the list is : 5, 5, 5, 5, 5controller code : \[code\] if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { AdminController AC = new AdminController(); List<ShowAllMessagesModel> SAMM = new List<ShowAllMessagesModel>(); SAMM = AC.showAllMessages(); ViewData["myList"] = SAMM; return PartialView(); }\[/code\]view code :\[code\]<% var list = ViewData["myList"] as List<sms.Models.ShowAllMessagesModel>; %><%= list.Count %><% for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count ; i++) { %> <li>MsgId : <%= list.ElementAt(i).MessageId%> Sender : <%= list.ElementAt(i).Sender%></li> <% } %>\[/code\]any suggestions?